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Caregiving & Creativity
[A Project]

The Latin root of the word emotion are e (out) and movere (move). Allowing all our emotions and feelings, the good and the bad to move freely and flow is a powerful way to heal from the effects of trauma, chronic stress and depression.

July Watercolor participant anonymous face.jpg

Caring for a family member with chronic conditions can be exhausting with layers of emotional complexity. Caregivers are at greater risk of anxiety, depression, and burnout so having an outlet is critical to lightening our emotional load. Knowing this, Normandale Center for Healing & Wholeness frequently offers introductory creative workshops for caregivers that are experiencing stress and burnout. 

Normandale Center is looking to create a collection of writings, poetry and paintings that will be made into a book dedicated to caregivers. Any form of artistic expression is welcomed.


Creative expression has no bounds, especially when used to process trauma and stress.


We hope for the collection to be a showcase of caregiver's artwork that highlights the complexities of compassion fatigue, caregiver burnout and the joy and sorrows of caring for a loved one with a chronic illness. 


There will be several opportunities during our Second Saturday for Caregivers to create art and express your feelings and emotions artistically. Workshops about legacy writing, watercolors and poetry will be offered next year.


We will be accepting submissions for consideration to be published and shared in a book format in 2024.

Creative Work

Please complete the form to submit your creative piece.

Submissions will be collected and curated throughout 2024. Follow the file upload directions and file type requirements carefully.

Scanned paintings, drawings, and other handmade creative work must be submitted as a high resolution JPG file (300 dpi). Poetry and short stories may be submitted via email to or here as a Word file.

Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

Entries will be reviewed and you will be notified if we chose to use your creative work in our publication.

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