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Second Saturday for Caregivers Program

Education & Support.

Respite & Peace. Every Month.

A free, monthly program for caregivers with an education session and a support group meeting directly afterwards.


The 90 minute education session begins at 9:00 am and a support group meets directly afterwards at 10:30 am. Come for one or both sessions. The morning program provides powerful tools and coping skills for you the caregiver and respite is available each month for your loved one from 9 am - 12pm with advanced registration on our website.


Past caregiver education topics have included mindfulness based stress reduction, food and your mood, health care directives, new advances in Alzheimer's treatment and an introduction to watercolors.

Upcoming Education Topics



March 9: Caregiving & Our Changing Identity

Caregiving creates complicated layers of stress and it’s easy to lose our sense of self. Recognize your own self-worth and work to name your stressors and guilt in this healing workshop.


Presented by Dee Dee Haines, a Bereavement Coordinator, Supervisor of Spiritual Care & Music Therapy at Interim Healthcare and Hospice.


April 13: Healing Words: An Introduction to Poetry Writing

Poetry slows us down and can facilitate self-reflection, conjure up old memories and provide space for recovery and healing. We’ll address topics like caregiving, illness, and loss through simple writing exercises and prompts.


Presented by Lucia LoTempio. Lucia has a MFA in Poetry, is a published poet and author, and currently serves as a Program Manager at Minneapolis’ beloved Loft Literacy Center.


May 11: Family Dynamics and Shifting Roles

This interactive workshop will examine our roles and family dynamics when caregiving and faced with inevitable life transitions. There will be ample time for questions and discussion. 


Presented by Dr. Kirsten Lind Seal, PhD, LMFT., a practicing licensed marriage and family therapist, seen regularly on WCCO’s Midmorning “Relationship Reboot.”


June 8: Ombudsman Program 101

Learn more about the role of the Ombudsman for Long Term Care office in Minnesota, who they serve and how they assist in advocating for residents. We’ll discuss how the program advocates for Minnesota residents in Long Term Care facilities. 


Presented by Anna Solowiej, Supervising Attorney at the Minnesota Disability Law Center/Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid office.


July 13: An Introduction to Watercolors

Artistic expression can be a powerful tool to cope with the multitude of challenges and stresses we face as caregivers. In this fun, hands-on session, learn how to use a simple palette of watercolor paints, explore how to put color on paper and create a simple watercolor scene.


Judy Cline has a degree in fine arts and has taught art in public schools and senior housing centers. As a teaching artist, she focuses specifically on watercolor painting and is a member of the Minnesota Watercolor Society, where she regularly exhibits her paintings.


August 10: Practical Tips for Avoiding Power Struggles

Avoid common power struggles with your loved one by gaining new ideas and respectful techniques to communicate with the person you’re caring for. Feel reassured and learn new skills that can make the caregiving experience less frustrating and more rewarding.


Deb Nygaard, LALD is trained in the Positive Approach to Care by Teepa Snow and is currently the Assisted Living Director at Arthur's Senior Care.  She has 30+ years of experience working with seniors and has had six family members that have suffered from dementia.


September 14: I Know You By Heart, Author Speaks about Dementia

Angie Swetland will speak about her book, “I Know You By Heart” which describes personal stories from decades of working directly with dementia patients and their families.


Angie is an author, public speaker and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Our Lady of Peace Hospice and Home and is a support group facilitator.


October 12: Tips to Avoid Elder Scams & Fraud

Get an inside look at how scammers think, discuss practices to keep your personal information private online, and what to do if you or someone you know has been a victim.


Presented by AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), a leading resource that fights fraud and scams.


November 9: Daily Meditations for Caregivers, A Workshop

Explore writing as a tool for healing and reflection specifically focused on the experiences of caregiving.


Presented by Patricia Hoolihan, writing instructor and author of the caregiver meditations book, “Hands and Hearts Together.”


December 14: Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behavior

Learn to decode behavioral messages, identify common behavior triggers, and learn strategies to help intervene with some of the most common behavioral challenges of Alzheimer’s disease.


Presented by Alzheimer’s Association, Minnesota

Get Directions

Our Second Saturday programming meets in person at Normandale Lutheran Church. Please park and enter the building from the Northeast side (along Highway 100).


6100 Normandale Rd., Edina, MN 55436


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